Monday, May 22, 2006

::loading gun::

I work with a very stupid girl. she doesn't want to see the DaVinci Code, because she doesn't want see any movie that might 'shake her faith'. Because her faith is apparently not strong enough to withstand a friggin movie. Seriously, if you don't want to see the movie, thats cool. But giving a dumbass reason just pisses me off.

I did go out for sushi tonight, at Asahi, which has half price sushi, so I got 5 rolls (I was hungry!) and only payed $13. Seriously. I love that place, now that I'm leaving Tulsa.

I'm sleepy.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I'm moving in 2 weeks. Am I ready? No.
My electricity got turned off because, apparently, you have to pay them. ::shrug::
So, I'm going to attempt to pack in the dark. That should be fun.
